Work is rarely a solitary activity. Taking regular breaks come in handy as a way to re-energize. If you find the afternoon is more productive, then do less mentally challenging tasks early. That’s a lot to ask of one software, but has your back. JUST WATCHED Here's how to … They might pay for your internet or even supply you with the equipment you need, but much of that will be online, saving them from costly installation. Create goals: ... reach your college or just ride around to have fun. If that technology is not delivering, then you’re going to get frustrated or worse. Deposit Photos. Remote workers sometimes find themselves working for long stretches without breaks for exercise, socializing, or a proper meal. Teams need to stay in touch with each other, which is why having a collaborative tool is so important. Here are some tips on how to have fun at work while staying productive: If you are an employee: Start at your workstation. When there’s a positive feeling in the workplace, it extends to customers as well. ... Have fun! You can’t as easily check in with your manager or get immediate feedback to keep your work moving forward. You are tethered to your office and coworkers through technology. While difficult, this is certainly not impossible. For the most part, it’s quieter. Do you know how to have fun at work while staying productive? But that’s only one reason to use work from home software. Working from home turns miles into feet. Timesheets are a feature that streamlines the payment process for them and gives managers a view into the hours they’ve logged for each task. Set Up The Right Environment. While there, interact and play with the kids as part of the appointment. It. Working at the Office, Using to Manage Work from Home, schedule their time to match that of those working in the office, Coronavirus: Work From Home Software & Tips, Four Challenges for Virtual Teams in Startups, How to Stay on Task When You Work from Home. When your teams aren’t working next to you it can be hard to know what they’re doing and how you can help them. Invest, You see, the human body tends to absorb psychological problems and manifest them in the form of diseases. Keep those empty calories at a distance. Does your desk look inviting? Follow your dreams. As much as you might hate the alarm clock, showering and getting dressed for work, the commute, etc., these activities create a structure to your day. We may receive compensation from companies mentioned within this post via affiliate links. Here are six strategies to help keep you disciplined, focused, and positive through these difficult times. If work were more fun, it would be more productive and more profitable. But it does not mean that we only work. You can listen to music or keep things quiet. If you are a manager: Traditional wisdom states the following: “Work is not supposed to be fun. Plus, organizations realized that there was a wealth of talent waiting for them outside the radius of commuting distance. John is a lover of business, technology, and writing. This can sometimes be just what is needed to foster a breakthrough. Have a colleague or manager checking in on your project or status can help you focus and stay on task. This will quickly lead to stress and burnout. From Gmail to Docs, Drive, Calendar and Meet, you have the tools you need to share data, organize meetings and keep on schedule. There’s a dashboard that allows you to review reports and track your work. Your work environment significantly affects work productivity and efficiency. These. How to Have Fun at Work While Staying Productive: 4 Ideas, What drives you to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to go to work? Make it a habit to take your meals away from your desk, preferably outside the office buildings. Read on to get those tips. Let's learn How to have Fun at Work while staying Productive! Knowing how you work and keeping boundaries will stop burnout from exhausting you. I promise. Every organization works a little bit differently, especially when people are working from home. This software also helps to clean up all of your random to-do lists by giving you a personal command center called “My Work.” Do you have a computer screen obscured by layers of Post-It notes? Allocate more time to critical tasks. 12. Every time you look at them they become inside jokes. just remember “creativity” doesn’t have to be literal, meaning you don’t have to make a piece of art (though you can and should if you want to). The office environment is designed to eliminate distractions; but the home is a different animal. Know yourself first. Having fun at work can also contribute to employee wellness. Wake up early, shower and get dressed. If you’re looking for tips on how to be productive, check out a recent blog post on cutting stress and being happy. Build a Dedicated Workspace. He is one of the main writers at The Confidence and aspires to create valuable content that changes his reader's lives. 8. In addition to being quiet and distraction free, a dedicated space helps establish structure and rhythm that can be crucial for staying productive. While many of us work from home at least part of the time, we still rely on rhythms and core hours that are built around our physical presence at the office. There it is! There are tasks to manage and progress to track in order to stay productive. One of the key problems a lot of business owners run into is trying to stay productive working at home. You need a tool that can monitor and track your progress, so you’re alerted if things aren’t going according to plan. If you find yourself longing for greener work pastures, don't immediately go looking for the first exit ramp off of your chosen career path. If there's a lot on your plate, this can feel overwhelming. You’re always on call, be that a phone, text, chat or any of the other communication devices set up to keep you in touch with your manager and the team. What drives you to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to go to work? Working from home shouldn’t mean that teams are unable to access important documents- whether they’re for a project or administrative duties. Some employees may need clarity, reassurance, and guidance on creating work “zones” and defining clear start and end times to work days as well as appropriate lunchtimes and breaks. Breathing exercises help reduce stress, such as square breathing (four seconds in, hold for four seconds, four seconds out and hold for four seconds, repeat). Replace working hard with working smart. Here are a few work from home apps that will complete your home office and help you overcome challenges. Let’s go through how, step by step. If you don’t use a white noise app, there’s always your record collection or streaming to create a productive soundtrack for your office. Let’s learn How to have Fun at Work while staying Productive!. 2. Visual images enhance our memory. Set your schedule. But when you’re working from home that responsibility falls on your shoulders. Gallup research shows that people who have friends at work increase their productivity, are more engaged and are more likely to say they have the opportunity to perform their best every day, says Zachary A. Schaefer, president and founder of the communication consulting firm Spark the Discussion in St. Louis. Working in front of a computer can lead to a sedentary lifestyle which can place you at a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. How to stay productive when everyone is demanding your attention . But, don’t forget to add breaks to your routine. Even a 30 second microbreak can increase your productivity levels up to 30 percent. To be more productive is to be able to do more in less time, and then have more time to do something other than work. Lemon can boost your energy in the morning, which can increase your productivity throughout the day. Ready to get started? 1. By Kathryn Vasel, CNN Business. If you can’t get a pet, there are lots of cute animals to follow on Instagram. 10 Tips for Staying Happy at Work. Brounstein shared with Business Insider eight tips for making work more fun. However, basic organizational skills and time management can help you have a productive daily routine. 7. Creative work, like drawing, music, etc., can be restorative, and you should allow yourself a period each day to just have fun. Invest time and resources to see it happen. 924 Shares Like it or not, the workplace is changing. Some people work better in a cold room. Even if your company isn’t a creative one…or if your role is the opposite of creative, you can be creative at work. ... where you have privacy. Finding ways to creatively maintain the team’s social interactions and still have fun. If that tip is golden for you, amazing. Or loud noises could be the worst thing for you to stay focused and get work done. Don’t do it wherever you happen to be. At work, you might have to contend with a talkative coworker or loud music, but at home there are distractions at every turn. Have a pint of water by your desk all the time. Not only should you add a little pizzazz to your cubicle to brighten up your workspace, but research shows wall art can also help your mood and productivity—not to mention, it's a great way to get your whole team or department in on the fun. With the invention of email and texting, the eight-hour day has mutated into a 24-hour work cycle. And believe it or not, I get this question from not only team members, but managers. G Suite by Google Cloud is your office software anywhere you want it. Focus your search and find out more about handy tips and tricks from business leaders who are inspiring people to change their lives and make their careers more interesting. Create "happiness-boosting traditions" with your coworkers. From this page you can update your tasks, progress and even assign tasks to yourself and others. Our cloud-based software is always accessible online and is packed with features that make remote work possible. This drowns out the noise of those who might share your house with you, as well as neighbors and sounds of traffic, construction, etc., so you can work or sleep. But staying productive and on task while studying at home can be really challenging. Fulfillment is achievable when you find joy in what you do. Here’s how Gabrielle Shultis says wellness company Voom incorporates fun into their company while staying true to their mission and values: We’re a really small company, so we have the flexibility to actually take our activities outside the office! The most obvious being that you have to find a way to turn your personal space into a productive workspace. Define your spaces; separate work from home. understands that you also have a preferred way to manage your tasks. Streaming concerts and reading free books only scratch the surface. Here are some tips on how to have fun at work while staying productive: No matter the kind of work you do, purposely take regular fun breaks. When you're stuck alone at home, cabin fever can set in fast. We pride ourselves on high-quality information and helping our readers improve their lives. Now that you got a usable tool, let’s focus on best practices. That means when working, work, but when you’re off the clock don’t jump to answer that email or text from work. Prioritize your work. That calls for easy sharing of data, notifications and clear communications to keep their work flowing uninterrupted. Not having to wear a suit and tie or high-heel shoes is very attractive to many people. Doing what you love boosts your self-esteem, makes you feel motivated to push through hard times, and become more engaged in your work. Without a structure being forced on us by office hours, it’s easy to slip into a twilight zone where work and home life merge to the point that both falter. Have fun! 6. Conclusion: Let’s have a quick recap and see all the ways how you can stay focused at work: Create the sense of flow; Plan ahead; Create an hourly work plan This can be due to a lack of routine or discipline. If you have switched to a work from home business model, you might have discovered the issues that are present here. When you know that someone else is involved with your work, you are less likely to fall behind. They are what hold us up and keep people productive. It is a great technique to stay fit and get you some energy. Having a tool that can keep teams updated on the priority of their tasks and managers on the team’s progress is how the project stays on schedule. Sign up for a free 30-day trial of Without the usual workday signals—a walk to grab lunch, for instance, or a commute—unplugging can be a challenge. Focus Booster is a way to get more productive in your day by breaking it up into work and break sessions. There are many ways to work better from home. A cloud-based software can trigger email alerts in real-time. But have them within reach so you can just grab a drink without losing focus on what you’re doing. Have all the resources needed to execute your duties at hand. With all the changes that come with moving to remote work, it’s important to foster and maintain team morale. You can manage those tasks in multiple views: list, board or calendar. Once that happens, it can take time to recover, so it’s important to set up protocols that stop you before the crash. You can also collaborate with other team members, assign them tasks or simply tag them for quick feedback. Set up a work schedule and start at the same time each day. However, you can avoid this if you choose a career path that you enjoy. Tone down any politicking that negatively affects the unity of your team. Don’t let interruptions frustrate you. One of the fears of managing teams that work from home is that they’re not focused on tasks. But, it’s not going away. Everybody wants to work less. Each of our managers meets with their team members to strategize how to best accomplish their goals and how to be more productive. Simple productivity tips for you that I have found useful for myself. When working from home, it is your responsibility to set your schedule because while you will have more freedom, you will also have more responsibility. Jennifer Kem, brand futurist and business strategist, says, "Now is … To help you get up and running quickly, makes it easy to import your existing work from anywhere. Create a regular morning routine; a routine is a way to develop the discipline you need to stay motivated. Knowing if you’re on schedule or not is critical to managing your work when you’re separated from your team. Chillibreeze wants employees to remain sharp, vigilant, productive and to give their best at work. The extra money is going to help their bottom line and it could go to you as a raise or other incentives. 15. Yes, that’s easier said than done. Column headings can be customized. To keep the work moving, you need features that will allow you to assign tasks and track their progress. Set aside some space, preferably a room (it doesn’t have to be big) to be your workspace. There are fewer people there. It’s not so easy to eliminate those distractions—kids, comfy beds, laundry— but it’s possible. Maintain healthy boundaries. Taking regular breaks come in handy as a way to re-energize, break the boredom, and de-stress before taking up the next task. This is also acceptable, to an extent. Such a work schedule. Even if you get in the right mind and spirit, you still need work from home software to give you the connectivity necessary to get your job done. Speaking of water, stay hydrated and eat healthy. Working from home means working how you want. Does your desk look inviting? Keep reading to find out our tips on work productivity. A healthy workplace improves workers’ motivation, makes stressful work manageable, and maintains a perspective of your workplace as your second home. To stay focused at work, only have the things you need neatly piled on your desk — put the rest away properly, like in a desk drawer or shelves. Imagine working at the emergency unit of a referral hospital or working on a monotonous task that takes months to accomplish. So let’s talk about fun. You would rather wow your clients than under impress them. Ergonomics help. Not everyone lives in spacious quarters that allow for a home office in a dedicated room. In addition to taking breaks, adopt the Pomodoro working style. If you are an ER doctor, for example, ask the nurse to schedule your visit to the children’s ward. Don’t get lured into thinking you can work from home while the kids quietly entertain themselves in the background. Below are some of my best tips for working from home while staying sane and productive. Are you a morning person? Be productive during the day and you will be able to enjoy your life at home. Each task opens up a window that gives users the ability to set deadlines, add comments, create personal to-do lists, attach files, set priority levels and make tags so the task is easier to find. Stick to protein based lunches for increased productivity and alertness in the afternoon. It’s up to you to figure out the time of day when you’re most alert and productive. 7. However, you can avoid this if you, Start at your workstation. In addition, maintain an open communication policy. Office efficiency is easily achievable when you have happy employees. Things to do for Teenagers to Stay Productive: 1. 2. Let’s discuss ways on how to have fun at work while staying productive at all times. Make it your goal to make a living from your passion. Whatever works for you. But these fixes only go so far. Celebrate Fun at Work Day Instead of working on Fun at Work Day make it a time for everyone to come in and have fun. 10 Tips for Staying Happy at Work Before you start looking for greener career pastures, try these tips for maintaining a happy outlook on the job. The third thing is to have fun at work by doing things like having a dry erase board hung up somewhere central where you can write funny or clever things that people say. Feel free to add more to this list and share some of your ways on staying productive through your comments. Even as an independent contractor or freelancer, it’s important to separate work and personal hours. Working from home is often used as an example of how corporations can mine talent outside their geographic footprint, but the same is true for the worker. On the same board, pin. Today, working from home can be considered a booming trend. Leave work at home. The following are some tips that can help you do your job better and feel better doing it. However, one of the perks of working from home is that, as long as the work gets done, many employers don’t care when you do it. Reschedule or delegate the less important work such as clerical duties to other employees. This, therefore, translates to higher productivity. There’s a kanban board to visualize workflow, a task list to keep it simple, a calendar view for important dates or a Gantt chart to see the whole project across a timeline. Take a hiking trip with your team, Overworking with very few breaks in between puts you, Work flexible hours. Taking regular breaks is essential for maintaining productivity at work. Here at SnackNation we call them DR’s. Just be sure to set limits for yourself for how long you can put up with a bad job. Work On Your ROI: Return On Impact. Having a task list is what makes a large or small project doable. Music, TV, the weather… Just about everything will influence your mood. It’s set up for a completely different end, so you have to repurpose a piece of it to fit into a structure that permits you to work uninterruptedly. Depending on the corporate culture where you work and your own temperament, working from home may not be ideal. By Kristi / Last updated: September 12, 2015 / Careers, How To, Lifestyle, Millennials. From the kanban board project view, you can set up your own personal workflow or a shared one with the team. By knowing your limits, you can manage expectations while meeting your deadlines. Inspire creativity. While a robust project management software like is key to a productive work from home office, there are other apps that complement it. 1. You can do it! It could be in the form or a weekend getaway for your team to refresh and re-evaluate your current goals. So, we fit some fun into our day, and when the fun is work-related, it helps overall productivity too. 10 Ways to Stay Busy When You’re Bored at Work. There are a number of different online tools that can help, but dynamic project management software is at the top of that list. “Fun doesn’t have to cost a lot; it could simply be laughing with colleagues, celebrating office birthdays or enjoying work related tasks. Add elements that promote a calming or inspiring environment, such as fresh flowers, houseplants, task lighting, candles or beautiful crystals. And fun at work fuels our productivity! Employees should not feel intimidated to express their views and opinions freely. It’s all part of great time management. gives you the tools to monitor all of your work. While we don’t have a foolproof system that can completely eliminate disturbances and diversions, we do have 9 ground rules that can be applied to help give your productivity levels a boost. This includes the physical workplace and the working relationships you have with fellow workmates, superiors, suppliers, and customers. Below are some of my best tips for working from home while staying sane and productive. This puts you in the work frame of mind. Whether it’s a slow internet connection that makes a simple task take all day or it’s having poor tools that make it difficult to get your work done, you need to make sure that whoever is handling IT at your organization provides you with the right software solution. Taking breaks at work has been proven to improve productivity (sitting at your desk for long periods of time just leads to stress and burn out). Most people have a hard time staying productive throughout the day. But is it realistic? Don’t neglect to have lunch either. The results of such a test can help you decide which tasks to take up and which to turn down. Therefore, have a home office that is as separated from where you sleep. Such a video is an excellent training resource for the human resources staff when carrying out orientation for new employees. We pride ourselves on high-quality information and helping our readers improve their lives. This modern problem is even worse for those who work from home. Having discussions on setting boundaries around work and non-work spaces, times, and devices. If your family or kids are home when you’re working, set guidelines for them, so they know when you can’t be disturbed. My commute is from my bed to my dining table, so I know a thing or two about staying productive while working remotely. Below, here are 20 ways to make work more fun. Another way to say on task is by making yourself to-do lists, such as what must be done by lunchtime and by the end of the day. But even with that in place, there must be a way to monitor and track progress. Sleep! Here’s a list of regular break ideas for how to have fun at work while staying productive. 8 Ways to Stay Productive During Coronavirus ... Have fun. Eat breakfast It’s like your home is a cone of silence. 16. Better still, make an educational video summarizing the skills you’ve acquired so far. What did you do to your boss to become exiled from the office?”. One way to have fun at work is to have recreation centers set up where people can play a game of table tennis while talking about a project, or simply step away from a roadblock for a bit to shoot some hoops. So how do you do great work consistently? August 27, 2020 by Luvleen Sidhu. Share news and stories in your team chat, or hold a photo contest. Teams that work from home need tools to help them work with teammates that might be in different regions and timezones. So we rounded up 25 entertaining, productive, and meaningful things to do at home. Connecting teams that work from home means having a channel open that notifies them when tasks are updated or teams are commenting on their work. Productivity lies within you. CNET Coronavirus Update Get all the latest on the coronavirus that's now been declared a pandemic. Consider outsourcing non-core functions. You can get yourself a nice chair, one that keeps you sitting in good posture, but even that will not save your back. However, sometimes, you have to do what you don’t love in the short term to build what you prefer in the long-term. Here are other ways to have fun while staying home. Working from home has its challenges, but it fits a growing niche. Stay productive. The Confidence is the premier source of fascinating articles on entertainment, technology, lifestyle, news, and more. Your manager can assign you tasks, adding comments and files for direction, but you can also assign yourself work. When you're stuck alone at home, cabin fever can set in fast. myNoise is something you can use at work and then after work when you need to get to sleep. Every working from home job is unique, but they share many of the same challenges. Many people find it helpful to use time blocking in order to segment each day into different types of work. There's no question you're seeing numerous invites to hangouts, dance parties, concerts, and other fun … They feed you work for the day, week or even month. Smaller companies and startups that might not have the capital to invest in office space can funnel that funding into paying for skilled labor like yourself. Here are some more: To make sure the work from home software you choose is going to help teams and managers work better together, it should have at least the following features. The lack of structure can be depressing. provides a customizable kanban board view for this purpose. What to do during quarantine: 12 fun ideas to keep you busy at home this summer. Get up and take a walk. Have you taken a SWOT analysis of your capabilities and challenges? This way you ensure that you get the most out of the hours in a day, by absolutely killing it when your brain is most efficient. Just because you have access to work anytime doesn’t mean you should be logged in 24/7. Simply export your tasks to a spreadsheet and then import it into Work Productivity Tip: Each morning, huddle together with your team for about 15 minutes Click To Tweet . 16. While there are clearly many benefits to working remotely, there are also several challenges that can arise and cause problems with productivity and collaboration. Wear work-from-home shoes. How to Have Fun at Work. It’s all part of great time management. The first step to having fun at work is believing that the words “fun” and “work” belong in the same sentence. With there’s a space dedicated to only what’s assigned to you. While this isn’t ideal, there are a multitude of strategies we can use to ensure we retain our productivity even after the work day is over. The point of making your list is to get a sense of what absolutely must be done by the end of the day. It is a simple action, but it brings a smile to our faces and also results in short, happy interactions all around. var d = document.getElementById("container");d.className += " guides-header guides-header-wfh"; People who work from home used to be like exotic animals. If people are trusted to do their work and feel empowered to play and have fun in the workplace, a business can benefit from a more happy, motivated and productive workforce. Beverly West, Monster Contributing Writer . Businesses can save a lot of money not having to set you up in an office. You should be able to control your workflow and stay focused, while keeping track of your tasks, even if they fall across multiple projects. But over time, as technology advanced and society changed, working from home became more desirable. Once your tasks are in, you now have multiple ways to view them. Just accept the fact that you’ll be pulled away from your desk from time to time and enjoy it as a work break. Working from home is not the same as working in an office: there are a number of differences. Today, we’re talking about how to have fun at work while staying productive. Some jobs will ask people working from home to schedule their time to match that of those working in the office. Have an area for food and drinks, your bag or purse, and other personal items. It can be hard to get out of bed when you’re just a few steps away from your home office. Just don’t mix them up. 13. The dark side of motivation and productivity is that people overestimate their capacity and push themselves to the breaking point. Task lists are the lifeblood of any project, whether in the wild pint of water, and cardiovascular.! Regular morning routine ; a routine is a danger lurking in every modern,! And creating efficiencies to help keep you disciplined, focused, and meaningful things to something. While meeting your deadlines everything will influence your mood makes it easy to import your work! 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