Some adverbs of certainty go at the beginning of a sentence. Sponsors want certainty and mickey's malt liquor licenses its brand. His eclecticism was the proof of a reverential sympathy with the struggles of human thought to attain to certainty in the highest problems of speculation. Example sentences with the word certainty. In this sentence, the subject modified by the adjective "smarter" is superior to the subject modified by the base form (the "smart dog"). It has been said, but without certainty, that Hale was engaged as counsel for the earl of Strafford; he certainly acted for Archbishop Laud, Lord Maguire, Christopher Love, the duke of Hamilton and others. It was found by Hansen that the same species of yeast can assume different shapes; and it therefore became necessary to determine how the different varieties of yeast could be distinguished with certainty. Technology will also hasten the decline of the $300-a-night 300-a-night 300-a-nightrse, as researchers perfect emultiples-specialistques, creatinursehigher degree of certasnty with just one shot. Induction thus is the source of deduction, of its truth, of its probability, of its moral certainty; and induction, combined with identification, is the origin of the necessary principles of demonstration or deduction to necessary conclusions. The instinctive certainty that there is a supreme good, lying beyond empirical experience, and yet not an intellectual good - this feeling, and the accompanying conviction of the utter vanity of all earthly things, were produced and sustained by Neoplatonism. With the growing certainty of touch a stiffness of movement appears which gradually disturbs the listener who can appreciate freedom, whether in the classical forms which Wagner has now abolished, or in the majestic flow of Wagner's later style. (c) In respect to the third point, the nature, extent and certainty of the elementary propositions of mathematical science, Hume's utterances are far from clear. We may draw with some certainty the conclusion that a general movement southward of vegetation had been brought about. Exemples (1) スミスさんは 食堂 に 行った かもしれません。 - Il se pourrait que Smith san soit allé à la cafétéria. The population of Pompeii at the time of its destruction cannot be fixed with certainty, but it may very likely have exceeded 20,000. There was no certainty that the package would arrive in time. Although the figure of the hero frequently occurs in groups - such as the work of Scopas showing his removal to the island of Leuke by Poseidon and Thetis, escorted by Nereids and Tritons, and the combat over his dead body in the Aeginetan sculptures - no isolated statue or bust can with certainty be identified with him; the statue in the Louvre (from the Villa Borghese), which was thought to have the best claim, is generally taken for Ares or possibly Alexander. Of all the fundamental ideas of Gnosticism of which we have so far treated, it can with some certainty be assumed that they were in existence before the rise of Christianity and the influence of Christian ideas on the development of Gnosticism. His rhetoric would allow nothing less than absolute certainty about Scripture's absolute clarity. purposive interpretation of a contract is a useful tool where the purpose can be identified with reasonable certainty. No method of sexual reproduction is known with certainty. How far the Teutonic peoples extended northwards at this time cannot be determined with certainty, but it is clear that they occupied at least a considerable part of the Scandinavian peninsula. Past Modals for Degree of Certainty. The time at which this satire was composed cannot be fixed with certainty, but some allusions render it highly probable that it was given to the world in the later years of Trajan, and before the accession of Hadrian. There are no laboratory tests that can determine with complete certainty if a child has rheumatic fever. absolute certainty that I'm past my peak. We could say the first sentence as a kind of comment on how dangerous it is to cycle in the city after this specific event. She watched him with the sickening certainty that if he got away she could never survive the years of suspense until his inevitable return. Of seventy-five hits on the hulls of the ships only five can with certainty be ascribed to projectiles from rifled guns, and thirty were unquestionably due to the old smoothbores, which were not provided with sights. This has long been a debated matter, but it may now be stated, with considerable certainty, that the higher centres are incoordinately stimulated, a state closely resembling that of delirium tremens being induced. High quality example sentences with “greater degree of certainty” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Grammar B1-B2: The future – degrees of certainty: 1. Of his personal history nothing is known, nor can his date be fixed with certainty. But at times he uses language that almost compels one to attribute to him the popular view of conscience as passing its judgments with unerring certainty on individual acts. The learner is to be led forward to the unknown by being made to hark back to more familiar groupings of the alphabet of nature which he is coming to recognize with some certainty. ojv, month, X6yos, discourse), and their existence can be traced back with certainty to the 9th century (Theodore of Studium, Epist. Grammar expert Betty Azar explains that these modals tell us how sure speakers are about what they are … It is argued that Livy's mode of using his authorities is tolerably uniform, and that his mode of using Polybius in particular is known with certainty from the later decades. How does inference draw conclusions more or less probable up to moral certainty? They had undermined the foundations of scientific certainty, and so far as the fecundity of contemporary science did not give them pause, were ready, notwithstanding the difference of their starting-point, to acquiesce in the formula as well as the temper of Pyrrhonism. The process, maybe, from the point of view of those outside, was to make a mental wilderness and call it peace; but from the papal point of view it had a double advantage: it attracted those in search of religious certainty, it facilitated the maintenance of its hold over the Catholic democracy. 19 exemples: Provided one is consistent in application of these parameters, at least… Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Mon Profil Among the drawbacks of this temper, which on the whole made for progress, was the rise of a school of excessive scepticism, which, forgetting the value of the accumulated stores of empiricism, despised those degrees of moral certainty that, in so complex a study and so tentative a practice as medicine, must be our portion for the present, and even for a long future, however great the triumphs of medicine may become. - lxvi., however, are not by Isaiah, but are the work of a prophet who wrote about 540 B.C., shortly before the conquest of Babylon by Cyrus, and whose aim was to encourage the Israelites in exile, and assure them of the certainty of their approaching restoration to Canaan. The subsequent sequence of events cannot be traced with certainty, but it seems likely that the pear-shaped form is succeeded by an hour-glass-shaped form, which finally separates at the neck into two masses of fluid. It is a degree of certainty which you employ, which you have used since you reached the age of reason, without perhaps having dissected it as we are doing at present. But here we have entered upon a region of less certainty, in which critical scholarship has still much to do; and these passages are mentioned here only as a reminder that the document must have contained more than what St Matthew and St Luke each independently determined to borrow from it. Il a donné cet exemple pour illustrer le degré de certitude exigé par l'expression «hors de tout doute raisonnable». The precise mechanism of the process of setting of Portland cement is not known with certainty, but it is probably analogous to that of the setting of plaster of Paris, consisting in the dissolution of the compounds produced by hydration while they are in a more soluble form, their transition to a less soluble form, the consequent supersaturation of the solution, and the deposition of the surplus of the dissolved substance in crystals which interlock and form a coherent mass. 24), with perfect truth, that it is no longer possible to determine with any certainty when he lived and legislated. 26-27; the length of the ministry was fixed, with some approach to certainty, at between two and three years, and here too the resultant date for the Crucifixion would be the Passover of A.D. 44-64 can thus be fixed with a fair approximation to certainty, it is unfortunately otherwise with the events of A.D. Here are some other adverbs of certainty that often go at the beginning of a sentence. with certainty, and to 240 B.C. The Nuclei of the Lower Plants.It is only in comparatively recent times that it has been possible to determine with any degree of certainty that the minute deeply stainable bodies described more especially by Schmitz (1879) in many Algae and Fungi could be regarded as true nuclei. Construct "pillars of certainty" where you know every number is correct. 4) in dedicating the third Gospel to Theophilus tells him that his aim in writing the book was "that thou mightest have certainty in the things in which thou has been instructed" (Karnx1)07/s), and we are told that Apollos was instructed (KarrtXrtpEvoi) " in the way of the Lord" (Acts xviii. The Virgo woman tends to feel safe with the Scorpio man's unwavering certainty about life situations. Delaying a decision so as to await medical certainty would be to render the process almost interminable: something no judge could sanction. The striking forms of Alima and Erichthus, at one time regarded as distinct genera, are now with more or less certainty affiliated to their several squillid parents. The Apologists themselves welcomed, and commended to others, the Christian revelation as affording a certainty of immortality such as reason could not give. The truck is does he wash dishes box and reunions the the highest playthings the standard certainty. (2) 雨 で 試合 は 中止 に なる かもしれないね。 - Il se pourrait que le … could be ? But Buffier does not claim for these truths of "common sense" the absolute certainty which characterizes the knowledge we have of our own existence or the logical deductions we make from our thoughts; they possess merely the highest probability, and the man who rejects them is to be considered a fool, though he is not guilty of a contradiction. - The evidence, summarized above, though very various and voluminous, is not yet sufficient to answer all the questions which may be asked as to the origin, nature and history of this civilization, or to answer any but a few questions with absolute certainty. The slaves in Persia have a good time; well fed, well clothed, treated as spoiled children, given the lightest work, and often given in marriage to a favorite son or taken ar segah or concubine by the master himself, slaves have the certainty of a well-cared-for old age. Modals of Certainty in the Present. In order to answer this question we must remember that there are many degrees of probability, and that induction, and therefore deduction, draw conclusions more or less probable, and rise to the point at which probability becomes moral certainty, or that high degree of probability which is sufficient to guide our lives, and even condemn murderers to death. certainty being highly tipped as relegation certainties, Blues have gone all out to challenge this obvious misconception. All philosophy is the search for reality and rational certainty as opposed to mere formalism on the one hand, to authority and dogmatism on the other. Very little can be said with certainty about the distribution of the Tartarides. Modals have only one form, so they are never spelled with an -s. Must, could, might, may, couldn’t and can’t are used to show how possible or probable the speaker thinks a present situation is. The clue of mathematical certainty is discarded in substance in the English form of " the new way of ideas.". When we are first entitled to speak with any kind of certainty, the non-privileged class possess a certain share in the election of magistrates and the making of laws. The difference between the two phenomena is essential and evident; but without experimental information as to palatability it is impossible to know with certainty to which of the two a particular case of mimicry is to be assigned. Mechanical uniformity and minute regulation are inadequate substitutes for observance of the canons of equality, certainty and economy in the operation of the tax system. But the business was kept dark at the time, and it was long before any one could assert with certainty that they were dead or alive. This example was given to illustrate the degree of certainty required by the phrase "beyond a reasonable doubt". enough: adverb: You are running fast enough. But, for what it's worth, here's my take: I came up here thinking it was hard to see how Labour could lose and I'm going home thinking the same, only with a slightly higher degree of certainty.css-1rwqwr9{box-sizing:border-box;color:black;font-weight:700;padding:0;background-color:transparent;position:relative;box-shadow:0px 3px 0px 0px #ffdb85;}.css-1rwqwr9:last-of-type{box-shadow:none;}.css-1rwqwr9:first-of-type{box-shadow:none;}. by jerks instead of with the necessary smoothness and certainty. They do not represent the opinions of It is almost a certainty, if you go on the diet and stick strictly to it, that you will lose weight. There is no certainty as to the date or method of their introduction. Although the course of the later Roman walls is clear, we do not know with any certainty the position of the Roman gates. c)I must have put them back in my handbag. It must be grounded in principles of assured certainty and must demonstrate its conclusions with the use of such middle or linking terms only as it is possible to equate with the real ground or cause in the object of knowledge. Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. ), when a sense of Jehovah's forgiving grace and the certainty of the redemption of Israel triumphed over all the evils of the present and filled his soul with humble and patient hope. On the other hand, there is absolute certainty on a point long disputed. The works of Tertullian, on the chronology of which a great deal has been written, and which for the most part do not admit of being dated with perfect certainty, fall into three classes - the apologetic, defending Christianity against paganism and Judaism; the polemical dogmatic, refuting heresies and heretics; and the ascetic or practical, dealing with points of morality and church discipline. " In all such systems, God is the terminus ad quem, a direct knowledge of whom is not claimed, but who is, as it were, the hypothesis adopted, with varying degrees of certainty in different thinkers, for the explanation of the facts before them. Towards the south this starfish disappears, it seems, completely; for it is not yet known with certainty to exist either in the Mediterranean or in the southern parts of the Atlantic Ocean. This revolution could already be foreseen with tolerable certainty, when Urban embroiled himself even with his political friends - the queen of Naples and her husband, Duke Otto of Brunswick. The field due to a coil can be made as nearly uniform as we please throughout a considerable space; its intensity, when the constants of the coil are known, can be calculated with ease and certainty and may be varied at will'through wide ranges, while the apparatus required is of the simplest character and can be readily constructed to suit special purposes. The translator of to-day can, if he wishes, mark where certainty ends and mere conjecture begins, and it is to be hoped that advkntage will be taken more widely of this new power. In the Lepidodendron fuliginosum of Williamson, shown by its leaf-bases to have been a Lepidophloios, the secondary wood is very irregular, and consists largely of parenchyma. What was the quarrel between them, and what the causes they represented, cannot now be ascertained with certainty. Bayesian analysis derives degrees of certainty which are interpreted as a measure of subjective psychological belief. Some confirmation of this theory is afforded by the fact that whereas we can recognize ancestral deer in the Tertiaries of Europe we cannot point with certainty to the forerunners of the Bovidae. Taanach), together with the contemporary archaeological evidence (from Lachish, Gezer, Megiddo, Jericho, &c.), represent advanced conditions of life and culture, the precise chronological limits of which cannot be determined with certainty. Of matters generally regarded as pertaining to natural religion, that on which they were least agreed was the certainty, philosophical demonstrability and moral significance of the immortality of the soul, so that the deists have sometimes been grouped into "mortal" and "immortal" deists. But intuitionalism claims to allege a higher certainty; everything (or every change) must have a cause - this is not merely actual fact but necessary truth. Hooker also presupposes a similar underlying certainty to faith. Conclusions: Spectral analysis of the responses’ qualities is useful to measure individual patients’ degree of mastery as well as to evaluate the efficacy of a training applied to a group of patients. Of the early history of Bijnor even after it passed under Mahommedan rule little is known with any certainty. They must be here somewhere because I used them to open the front door. It probably won't rain later according to the weather forecast. Neither is it possible to discriminate with certainty the sketches intended for the Sforza monument from others which Leonardo may have done in view of another and later commission for an equestrian statue, namely, that in honour of Ludovico's great enemy, Gian Giacomo Trivulzio. It has been shown by means of spectroscopic observations that the green colour of the elytra, &c., is due to the presence of chlorophyll; and that the variations of the spectral bands are sufficient, after the lapse of many years, to indicate with some certainty the kind of leaves on which the insects were feeding shortly before they were killed. In fact, nothing whatever can be asserted with certainty in regard to God. War, though still postponed, was now certain; and with this certainty the desire of the Italians for the Prussian alliance, now recommended by Napoleon, revived. But, since we still lack sure data to fix the home of this language with any certainty, the convenient name of Zend has become generally established in Europe, and may be provisionally retained. In England this revolt sought for the certainty and clearness that reason requires in the assurance of an outer world given to immediate sense experience; on the continent of Europe, in the assurance of an inner world given immediately in thought. You can use modal auxiliaries with the base forms of verbs to convey ideas of necessity, obligation, politeness, possibility and probability. It's a certainty that your startup will experience one or more small failures on the road to success, so you have to steel yourself for these negative events. Certainty factors – representing uncertainty ordinary probability associated with the frequency of reproducible events epistemic probability or the degree of confirmation it confirms a hypothesis based on some evidence (another example of the degree of likelihood of a belief. The councils of Trent and of the Vatican mark the Two Truths hypothesis as heretical, when they affirm that there is a natural knowledge of God and natural certainty of immortality. Still it is impossible to say with certainty what decrees were actually passed at Vienne. Two people were all he knew with certainty: Sofia and the Watcher with his forest green eyes. The word has thus the general sense of "certainty"; we may, e.g., speak of a drug as an infallible specific, or of a man's judgment as infallible. Primitive Inhabitants.The origin and character of the early inhabitants of the Peninsula are unknown; recent conjectures on the subject, which have been many, are more bold than probable, and we must await the result of further excavations of prehistoric sites and further inquiries into the native inscriptions before we can hope for much certainty. Assent in religion as in everything else he could justify only on the ground of its harmony with reason; professed " illumination without search, and certainty without proof " was to him a sign of absence of the divine spirit in the professor. just: verb: He was just leaving. For those who choose to do just that, it cannot be said with 100 percent certainty that high blood pressure will not develop for other reasons, however risk will be significantly reduced without a doubt. It may be asked how the individual mind comes to know himself and the system of things with which he is connected, how the varied contents of his experience are to be accounted for, and what certainty attaches to his subjective consciousness of things. We cannot predict the outcome with absolute/any certainty. But inferences of this class have hardly attained to sufficient certainty and generality to be set down in the form of rules. He must have been sick. The Bulgarian losses out of perhaps 110,000 combatants numbered 15,000; those of the enemy, whose force was probably rather less, are not known with certainty, but are supposed to have been about 25,000 inclusive of prisoners. The date of this migration cannot yet be determined with certainty. With regard to the buildings on the east end of the Acropolis, where the present museums stand, no certainty exists; among the many statues here were those of Xanthippus, the father of Pericles, and of Anacreon. Jurassic SystemThis system is not known with certainty in the eastern half of the United States, though there are some beds on the mid-Atlantic coast, along the inland border of the coastal plain, which have been thought by some, on the basis of their reptilian fossils, to be Jurassic. In order to lay bare the ground of certainty he raises the universal doubt, and, although, following Augustine,2 he finds its limit in the thought of the doubter, this of itself is not enough. They also, in the absence of certainty, allowed a large scope to probability as a motive to action, and defended their doctrine on this point with greater care and skill. Unfortunately however it is impossible to date the book of Chronicles with certainty. Though this narrative is a mixture of truth and fiction, it may be said with certainty that a thorough study of the philosophy of Peripatetics and Pythagoreans, Stoics and Platonists, brought home to Justin the conviction that true knowledge was not to be found in them. 21 p. so), unfortunately cannot be dated exactly, or with certainty even approximately; but if Delitzsch and Ed. I've used all of them a handful of times now, and I can say with certainty that it's one of the best set of makeup brushes I've had the pleasure of using - and I've definitely used more than a few! Hence this school of thought arose between the age of Isaiah and that of Jeremiah; but how long D itself may have been in existence before it was read in 622 to Josiah cannot be determined with certainty. If you wish, you can also examine the sample sentences established with these adverbs of certainty options, and you can make more rules-appropriate sentences thanks to these sentences. Jesus, a teacher who sealed His testimony with His blood, and, raised from the dead, was exalted or adopted to divine glory, thus giving to men for the first time the certainty that God's favour could be won and eternal life enjoyed - such is the scheme. How far these beliefs were common to the Teutonic peoples as a whole cannot be determined with certainty. It is impossible to estimate with any degree of certainty the number of separate dwellings of which any of these villages may have consisted, but at Niederwil they stood almost contiguously on the platform, the space between them not exceeding 3 ft. 0. But hardly one can be identified with any approach to certainty, except in the extreme south. Weigh that against the certainty that nearly a billion people are hungry right now and I don't know why we would decline to acquire this knowledge. The site is now occupied in part by the town of Budrum; but the ancient walls can still be traced round nearly all their circuit, and the position of several of the temples, the theatre, and other public buildings can be fixed with certainty. Owing to the varying latitude of the ship, and the fact that the observer attempted to draw curves of equal brilliancy instead of the central line, the required conclusions cannot be drawn with certainty from these observations. Nothing is known with certainty as to the origin of the vast majority of breeds of dogs, and it is an unfortunate fact that the progressive changes which have been made within comparatively recent times by fanciers have not been accurately recorded by the preservation, in museums or collections, of the actual specimens considered typical at different dates. Degree of certainty. Barrie actively rejects fixity, resolution and certainty in his writing. It is here proposed merely to classify the works, to indicate their general character and to enter somewhat more in detail upon what he himself regarded as his great achievement, - the reorganization of the sciences and the exposition of a new method by which the human mind might proceed with security and certainty towards the true end of all human thought and action. " London, but do not sustain a certainty that came of this province can in most cases be defined reasonable..., or it is vindicated - unsatisfactorily enough, perhaps - in the western.... Certainty, or with certainty: 1 usage examples above have been constantly using it in editing. Mahommedan rule little is known with any certainty with 100 per cent,! Intervening chapters exhibit obvious traces of belonging to another source, we use must, ’! Discarded in substance in the home over a specific number of examples that they demonstrated! Determined with certainty existing since the Miocene by means of his birth can with! 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