ethical issues in marketing that has been practiced in malaysia

Whilst independent panels and boards have been established to oversee its operations, however, organisational/structural changes are required before it can be fully independent. Companies sometimes pay bribes or rig bids to win public procurement contracts. For marketing efforts to remain with ethical limits; the prices of your offers must be equal to or less than the value they give the buyer. (Firoz Abdul Hamid is an Inside Investor contributor. Exploring Computer Ethics Issues in Malaysia Volume XI, No. You have built a strong brand based on trust. This case study tries to analyse how Nestle Company has been conducting its daily operations and its involvement in unethical practices. What is blocking the tubes in the fight to eradicate corruption? Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon’s views on business ethics in Malaysia. Apolitical watchdog bodies – To be effective, these bodies must be apolitical. One that can satisfy the expectations of your clientele. Strategy in the Market Place: Malaysia Airlines (MAS) has announced their new business plan for year 2012, aiming to restore their profitability on the premium sector, as to become the preferred premium carrier. Incomplete reporting b. Market research has experienced a resurgence with the widespread use of the Internet and the popularity of social networking. Any ambiguity in the tax rules that leave room for discretion in interpretation opens the door to corruption and must be avoided. Below is a scenario related to the accuracy issue [19]: Investvine has been a consistent voice in ASEAN news for more than a decade. Many people around the world work to consider consumer ethics and make ethical consumer choices in their everyday lives.They do this in response to the troubling conditions that plague global supply chains and the human-made climate crisis.Approaching these issues from a sociological standpoint, we can see that our consumer choices matter because they have sweeping economic, … How did you institute ethics in how you run your business? PEMANDU, the government’s transformation unit, shared views on how Malaysia names and shames offenders. A much freer press and more liberal media licensing will also allow for better competition in presenting news which will, over time, lead to a more informed public that will not tolerate corruption as part of doing business. Successful convictions of the big cases will lead society to fall in line. A case in point is the recent article highlighted in a Malaysian local online media on the role of Khazanah and 1MDB. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors related with ethical issues in marketing practices and to reveal possible influences of these factors on consumers’ ethical decision making. Poor air quality is also having a significant knock-on effect on the country’s tourist trade. With the ongoing improvements highlighted earlier it should be more effective. My Weblog: As to the UK-based investors issue mentioned where there seemed to be no action taken, it is of course publicity that Malaysia could do better without. This task force comprises 9 private sector members and 21 of the top civil servants of the country. What must markets do in instituting sound ethics or is this an unattainable target? Drawing from a country-branding perspective, the chapter examines several issues pertaining to physical, human capital, export, investment and FDI, culture and heritage, political, and social dimensions, and the new … In Hamlet, Shakespeare wrote “May one be pardon’d and retain the offence? The sad truth is, ethical fashion still needs a really great marketing campaign behind it in order to become the buzzword brands behind the movement want it to be. In Malaysia, we still have lots of ‘surat layang ‘ or anonymous complaints , and  things will change only with increasing  confidence in the work of the  commission. What measures has Malaysia taken to protect foreign investors and investment? There is a limit to what markets can do in instituting sound ethics if large scale flagrant violations are not successfully prosecuted and convictions obtained, leading  to grand corruption and state capture. Recent headline-making ethical issues, particularly those tied to discrimination and sexual harassment, have shed light on unethical conduct in the workplace and how these ethical lapses can permeate employee relations, business practices, and operations. Their only concern is making profits. In February 2009, he was appointed member of the advisory board of the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission. Identify common ethical issues and their impact on individuals and organizations; Consider the following business situation: You’re a member of the marketing team for a B2B company that sells software to restaurants. See other posts from our articles series on Ethics in Business: Ethics in Business: Perception of sleepwalking, Ethics in Business: Facing medical ethics head on in Malaysia, Ethics in Business: A take on business ethics in the US, Ethics in Business: Moving Islamic finance from conference rooms to humanity, Ethics in Business: Soul of ethics in the new Dubai, Ethics in Business: A conversation with Professor Tariq Ramadan, Ethics in Business: Where is the education for narcissistic leaders, Ethics in Business. Analyzing Ethical Issues in Marketing Kari Bertrand MKT/554 November 11, 2013 Sandra Payne Analyzing Ethical Issues in Marketing There are three areas of ethical concerns for marketing flavored cigarettes. Last year, Beijing issued two “red alerts” for pollution, the highest level warning which calls for emergency measures such as closing schools and restricting car use. How does one balance between pressures of bottom-line, shareholder and stakeholder expectation with ethics in business? Other ICT issue that is serious to the Malaysian government is the piracy issues. Using a country-branding framework, this chapter aims to enable readers to comprehend how firms organise and manage ethical marketing in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. What drives ethics in any business? Your contribution will help us shine a light on important ASEAN stories, reach more people and lift the manifold voices of this dynamic, influential region. with a wide range of ethical issues relating to the marketing of products in the sector and the need for more consistent and effective regulation of the sector across national boundaries. Nonetheless, it has been noted that limited studies have explored corporate governance outside the confines of legal perspective. The objectives may be noble, but given public interest, more details should be made available in a formal manner and at regular intervals. [caption id="attachment_8222" align="alignleft" width="163"] By Firoz Abdul Hamid[/caption] In Hamlet, Shakespeare wrote “May one be pardon’d and retain the offence? All rights reserved. This some may argue has been one of the most discussed topics in Malaysia’s coffee shops in urban and rural areas, across the country and by all ethnic groups. Some seek to influence political decision-making illicitly. Ethical Issues In Malaysia Airlines. In the corrupted currents of this world, offence’s gilded hand may shove by justice, and oft is seen the wicked prize itself buys out the law.” (Hamlet act 3, scene 3). Knowing him, he  will certainly  inject viewpoints regarding transparency in government projects and policy setting right at the highest levels before decisions are made and this will have long term benefits for the country. The authorities cannot make him disclose the location of the bombs by conventional methods. It is extremely important for a free media to play a role in highlighting cases of corruption. Each society will have it own unwritten code of behavior. There are also cases of evading and abusing the tax system through legal loopholes. We were glad to note that the recommendation was accepted, and as a result the MACC was formed in 2009. Instituting ethics – Much has been spoken of bankers and their work culture towards governance and their compensation/incentive packages. Can you realistically legislate ethics, or does ethics begin with the education system in a country? This some may argue has been one of the most discussed topics in Malaysia’s coffee shops in urban and rural areas, across the country and by all ethnic groups. How can this be better administered? The issue is that tax rules must be clearly spelt out, enabling businesses to comply easily with them and penalties for non-compliance must be punitive. The said companies do not take into account the opinion of the community at all in their activities. This development will certainly help in uncovering misdeeds, but it is necessary that effective investigation and prosecution accompany this to really complete the message that corruption does not  pay. Notably, there has been less focus on the ethical considerations of governance. From sales of live turtles in China to the treatment of suppliers, the company has been the target of many campaigns over its approach to business. Such guidelines/codes of conduct would contain mandatory paragraphs that will be included in procurement project agreements stipulating codes of behaviour for vendors/suppliers and outline penalties, including forfeiture of performance bonds, agreement made void, etc., should subsequent violations of the code/corrupt practices emerge. Extensive data allows businesses to choose the most optimal marketing … Incomplete Reporting May not disclose potentially damaging information about the product Leaving uninformed about undesirable features or characteristics of the product May hide or omit negative information or may avoid reporting situational details that are necess… This cuts across industries and sectors. Such restrictions do not apply to alternative media  –  and with the increasing adoption of social media, online news portals and streaming videos, the landscape is rapidly changing and  what could be covered up in the  past can go viral in a matter of  days. Chief amongst them... Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ethics cannot be legislated per se but laws can be legislated to effectively prevent corruption. Over the many years, a strict adherence to good design and craftsmanship and 100 per cent delivery on time have won many customers, customers whom we intend to keep. Ethics of Marketing • Ethical Marketing is a philosophy that focuses on honesty, fairness, and responsibility. Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon, Managing Director of Royal Selangor International Sdn Bhd. The integrity pact requires tenderers to formally agree to ethical practices, and if they are subsequently found to have violated such practices, they will need to agree to a forfeiture of the performance bond. 9. A company operating in these countries with this information will be able to take action and improve their reputation and goodwill (Xia et al., 2004) regarding ethical issues. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Is Tesco ethical? Nevertheless everyone must have an ethical base that applies to conduct in the business world and in personal life (Fam and Grohs, 2007; Carrigan et al., 2005; Dyers, 1982). Given the improvements made by the judiciary and the courts, whereupon the targeted time for disposal of cases is 9 months instead of the many years previously, the truth should emerge in a matter of months. Like many news organisations, we are striving to survive in an age of reduced advertising and biased journalism. Unfortunately, he has already planted the bombs and they are scheduled to go off in a short time. 1. It is easier than ever before for companies to connect directly with customers and collect individual information that goes into a computer database to be matched with other pieces of data collected during unrelated transactions. The literature review indicates that prior studies related to corporate governance have largely focused on governance structure. An ethical marketing process is a … Have they been effective in addressing corruption in the public and private sectors in Malaysia? Are the roles of watchdog bodies clear and are media being selective in highlighting the stories on ethics? As can be seen in the links above, there is much disquiet regarding the lack of transparency in the operations of 1MDB as evidenced in the various articles that have appeared in the alternative media. He graduated from the University of Adelaide with first class honours in mechanical engineering in 1968. Once appointed by the Agong, the removal of the chief commissioner should  no longer fall under the purview of the executive but determined by an independent tribunal or body to ensure his/her effectiveness and independence. In some countries, watchdog bodies are on the payroll of the government. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. • Although what's wrong and what's right at the level of marketing activities is a subjective matter, a general set of guidelines/ principles is necessary to guide and communicate what intention the organization has in dealing with marketing matters. Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon’s views on business ethics in Malaysia. Aspirations for Malaysia – What are your aspirations on what Malaysia could do more in strengthening ethics in business given today’s global market realities – of competition, fraud, piracy, high cost, unemployment, uncertain markets and political environments? Has the relationship between the public and private sector become too blurred that certain practices, which may deem outright violation to sound business practice, have become a norm in parts of the world? Ethical Issues in Marketing: The Context of Developing Countries Introduction: Marketing, in contemporary times, has seen a tumultuous change in the way it's conducted in developing countries. 4. The oft cited dictum that only change is constant in the marketing genre is an apposite one. What did you have to do in ensuring trust is built in your brand? It is based on extant literature and personal experiences and insights of the author about marketing practices in the region. In the Malaysian case, the watchdog bodies are mainly appointed from civil society and are not on the payroll of the government. The researcher should not product falsified or wrong project or research report. Education in  a wider sense can be obtained from a freer and more independent media which highlight transgressions, and subsequent effective investigations and convictions would have a long lasting effect on the population. The first concern is the marketing to younger consumers or minors, that are not legally able to purchase tobacco products, (Layton, 2010). In those instances, how does/or can media balance their own bottom line pressures versus “doing the right thing”? 5. Government-linked companies are often seen to be favoured. Have politicians, public and private sectors taken them seriously? Data collection is often considered the first, and most significant, stage of marketing. In the corrupted currents of this world, offence’s gilded hand may shove by justice, and oft is seen the wicked prize itself buys out the law.” (Hamlet act 3, scene 3). Lately, the child pornography issues is quiet a concern in Malaysia, since in global, this is the major seriousness regarding ICT and humanity ethics. 3. 7. Stronger enforcement and prosecution in the courts leading to convictions with stiff sentences will send the correct message that corruption does not pay. For over three decades, Tan Sri Yong has been associated closely with the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM), and is currently its president. Strong and effective enforcement, prosecution and conviction of the corrupt, without fear or favour, would be the best way to deter citizens of a country from engaging in  corrupt practices. The education system can contribute significantly to the process in the long term as the young are educated and imbibed with the intrinsic value of ethical behaviour. several ethical issues such as plagiarism, hacking, viruses, data access rights, piracy, ergonomy and health issues amongst others were identified as possible ethical issues related to IT. Demeaning references to races, age, sex, or religion. With the advent of a lot of skepticism concerning what people read online, it’s more important than ever to pay attention to ethical issues in content and social media marketing – especially if you want to be successful with your efforts at it. Product safety issues Before considering the marketing of these products, there is a significant problem with product safety. Foreign investors – You co-chair the government taskforce for Ease of Doing Business (PEMUDAH). Ethical issues in marketing The importance of ethics in marketing is growing. Role of education and legislation –There are now discussions about having watchdogs, departments and legislations to ensure ethics. We have specifically informed our staff  that we do not entertain corrupt practices even if it costs us business. In the 1MDB case highlighted, it appears that parcels of prime government land were not auctioned but transferred at prices that were below market value, hence public money was involved and the expectation is that disclosure is necessary. Thus, this paper aims at overviewing the evolution of ethics initiatives in the Malaysian public administration and some of the challenges it faced. As the issued bonds appear to be guaranteed by the government, public funds were involved. Such news could potentially scare investors, so what should Malaysia do in highlighting soundness of ethics in its business environment? 9. To ensure ethical behaviour in public procurement, it is necessary for vendors/tenderers to sign an integrity pact prior to the bidding and awarding of projects. Copyright © 2021 Investvine - Asia Business News. In their quest of development (or even to keep up with the developed countries) on the back of significant GDP numbers, are emerging and high growth markets responding too slow to weeding out corruption? Can it be instituted? sisli elektrikci. If you travel to a foreign country and a scandal is breaking, you would see on TV, with investigative TV crews chasing down the hapless official who would be peppered with difficult questions which have to be answered. Likewise  he will, in all likelihood, also be supportive of measures to strengthen MACC . The opinions expressed are her own.). umraniye elektrikci Ethical marketing must be devoid of all forms of discrimination. The 13th Malaysian general election which took place on May 5, 2013, was a referendum of sorts. Ethical issues in marketing have been discussed for over half a century now, which has led to a vast array of literature.Due to this diverse character, Murphy et al. China’s heavy pollution has been well documented. Recognition and respect for ethics, covering a wide range of issues can be used as USP (unique selling point) for a company. The Mad Bomber 2 • A madman who has threatened to explode several bombs in crowded areas has been caught. 8. In the past, the relationship has been based on the caveat "buyer beware." He  also  sits on the boards of  the  Malaysian Investment Development Authority  (MIDA) and the Malaysian External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE). Direct marketing is the most controversial of advertising channels, particularly … What is the role of leadership in instituting ethics? These basic issues have been solved partially using technological approaches, such as encryption technique, SSL, Or is culture impeding these countries from doing so? Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. This article will outline some of the common ethical and legal issues in marketing. Southeast Asian news and musings, weekly, sorta. It identifies critical ethical principles relevant to the region from the perspective of Hinduism and Islam, two dominant religions. Furthermore, the chapter presents important aspects of both consumers’ and firms’ decision-making processes, influencing ethical marketing. Tesco say they are doing all they can on sustainability but how do the company's ethics really stack up? Keyword: Ethical issues, Corruption, Malaysia, Public administration ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Ethics and bottom lines – Corruption distorts markets. According to research, a lot of companies are unethically conducting their businesses. One of the issues in marketing ethics is balancing the needs of customers with the needs of your business. Delivery Channels. Sovereign wealth funds –  The argument against these funds is that they distort the market and do not promote a fair playing field. 6. 1. Forfeiture of performance bonds would be frowned upon by shareholders or stakeholders and should instil the discipline required for businesses to compete based on merit. Some businesses are taking advantage of the air pollution– food delivery services that meet the needs of those staying indoors; ba… We investigate the company's ethics. usta elektrikci uskuadar elektrikci By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. As for taxation, the issue in ethics is that businesses should not be paying more taxes than what is required. The commitment of leadership of a company to ethics is important in setting the overall tone and environment for ethical business practices. Our mission is to rise above today’s challenges and chart tomorrow’s world with clear, dependable reporting. Ethics, in a broad sense of the word, is difficult to define. Your example of 1MDB is certainly one which would benefit from fuller disclosure. This would allow the chief commissioner to be independent of the highest levels of the executive. Theories on ethical marketing are reviewed and extant research is presented. Bribery and corruption does not allow a level playing field and everyone but the corrupt few  loses – not just the public but for the nation as a whole. Furthermore, three quarters of these complaints result in investigations, and when asked whether the ICAC has their confidence, more than 90 per cent  of the public say they do. In Singapore or Hong Kong, public auctions of government land are conducted routinely to ensure that the state is fully protected in getting the best value for the common good. Learning Objectives. Despite many issues affecting ethical marketing campaigns in South East Asia, few studies have examined ethical marketing in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand systematically. If the business and quotes of Henry Ford are to mean anything, he once said, “A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business”. This in light of the recent news that UK-based investors are suing a company in Malaysia. Ethical Issues in Marketing 3405 Words | 14 Pages. In the early days of Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) many letters alleging corruption were anonymous, but  now, by building up a strong reputation, the vast majority are complaints including names. Common Ethical Issues in Marketing. Ethics in Business: Fair trade or fair game, who benefits really, Ethics in business: What moves the conscience when mortality is at stake, Panel discussion: Medical ethics (plus video) If the value is less than the cost, it’s unethical. On the back on these queries I interviewed Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon, Managing Director of Royal Selangor International Sdn Bhd, who continues to advise the government of Malaysia in very prominent capacities on this proverbial topic of ethics in Malaysia. At the same time, the tax collection and enforcement agencies must also be fair and ethical and collect for the authority only what is due. When public funds are involved, full transparency and accountability is required. There are companies that conceal these acts under pseudo subsidiaries. Copyright © 2015 B Nguyen and C Rowley. One of the first things that PEMUDAH highlighted in 2007 was that corruption had to be addressed. Investing in real estate: Is KL's Desa Park City a good investment. Apart from education, I believe that professional watchdogs have a role to play in self-regulation of their profession, and citizen/community-based groups can also be powerful vehicles in ensuring ethical behaviour if they receive the support and mandate from the community/stakeholders they serve. There have been numerous reports of direct advertisement targeting mothers across the world in countries such as Malaysia, South Africa and Ireland as a result advocacy groups and health organizations accused Nestlé of unethical methods of promoting its milk and demand the company to immediately stop its marketing strategies (Mcspotlight, 2002). Instituting ethics – Much has been spoken of bankers and their work culture towards governance and their compensation/incentive packages. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. has been a consistent theme throughout the changes even though it was not highlighted as the main objective of each reform. 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ethical issues in marketing that has been practiced in malaysia 2021