Le White chestnut ou « marronnier blanc » est désigné sous le nom scientifique Aesculus hippocastanum. Ich fühle mich klar. Die Gewöhnliche, Gemeine oder Weiße Rosskastanie oder auch White Chestnut ist eine sommergrüne Laubbaumart aus der Familie der Seifenbaumgewächse (Sapindaceae; vgl. Existen las más variadas hipótesis acerca del origen del estado White Chestnut negativo. Caratteristiche della persona che si giova di White Chestnut Edward Bach afferma che questo rimedio è adatto a: “… coloro che non riescono a evitare che la loro Mente sia costantemente invasa da pensieri, da idee e da ragionamenti che essi non desiderano. O floral White Chestnut […] When the negative state persists, and a person falls into a chronic, extreme negative White Chestnut state, she would like nothing more than to escape from her own mind. Thoughts which worry and will remain, or if for a time thrown out, will return. La fleur de Bach White Chestnut est particulièrement indiquée pour celui qui souffre de pensées indésirables qui reviennent sans cesse ou pour celui qui ne peut s’empêcher de ruminer.. La fleur de Bach White Chestnut : pour une bonne nuit sans ruminement. Si vous associez White Chestnut à d’autres Fleurs de Bach (entre 2 et 7 fleurs maximum) : diluez 2 gouttes de chaque fleur dans un flacon de 30 ml d’eau minérale non pétillante et prenez 4 gouttes de ce mélange directement sur la langue, 4 fois par jour entre les repas. www.bach-flowers.co.uk - dedicated to the Bach Flower Remedies and the work of Dr Edward Bach, Keyword - Tranquillity of mind | Bach Group - Lack of Interest. Le Marronnier blanc, White chestnut en Anglais, est la fleur de Bach du discernement, de la clarté d'esprit et du calme mental lorsque l'on rumine et que l'on a toujours la même pensée qui tourne en nous. De remedie helpt ons weer logisch te denken. Most of us have been in need of this Bach Flower Remedy at one or another. Where Star of Bethlehem is needed to reassemble a pattern with clear lines of geometry and structure, White Chestnut dispels a repeating pattern of thoughts. She feels that it will never shut up and give her peace. will return. From the Twelve Healers & Other Remedies - By Dr Edward Bach ( 1936 edition ), You can find our full range of Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences here, Bach Flower Remedies After treatment, the … for emergency situations, The 38 Bach Flower Remedies | Dr Bach's Philosophy | Buying Bach Remedies | Contact Us | Sitemap, Crystal Herbs Ltd - 16 Hall Farm, Station Road, Pulham Market, Norfolk. Office: 2 Lambseth Street, Eye, Suffolk. Im White Chestnut-Zustand ist es wie bei einer Schallplatte, die nur noch auf einer Rille läuft: der Verstand ist in fixen Ideen oder festgefahrenen Gedanken gefangen und kreist sinnverloren nur noch um einen bestimmten Denkinhalt. Reclaim your day and cope with the hectic world around you. One young child described the feeling as his brain being like a hamster on a wheel, constantly moving faster and faster, but getting nowhere. I pensieri, anche se respinti, ritornano immancabilmente, come in un turbinio, causando una specie di tortur… peace and interferes with being able to think only of the work or De beschrijving van Edward Bach: Few experience the Red Chestnut as a life-long state, but those who do suffer greatly. Those in need of White Chestnut suffer from a constantly busy mind in which there is no reprieve from revolving thoughts that circulate round and round like a hamster on a wheel. Die Rosskastanie blüht zwischen April und Juni mit weißen fünfzähligen Blüten, die sich an aufrecht stehenden Blütenständen befinden. 10ml & 25ml Remedies, Mix Your Own Bach Remedy Combinations De gedachten van White Chestnut leiden tot niets. White Chestnut: Bach’s remedie tegen de moderne wereld Steeds meer mensen krijgen in deze jachtige tijd last van de gemoedstoestand die hoort bij de Bachbloesem White Chestnut . Elles peuvent survenir dans la journée, mais en général, viennent plutôt la nuit quand il n'y a plus d'action. Bach White Chestnut Calm the Mind The problem with everyday stress is that it seems to show up, well, pretty much every day - and that can wear on your health over time. O Floral de Bach White Chestnut é uma das 38 essências florais do dr. Bach, sendo uma essência que ajuda na qualidade dos nossos pensamentos. Für die Herstellung der anderen Blütenessenz des Baumes, Chestnud Bud, werden die Knospen benötigt. The positive potential of White Chestnut is to find tranquillity and peace of mind. Thus the body experiences physical fatigue as well as mental strain. After treatment with Bach Flower Remedies, the Red Chestnut personality is able to project thoughts of security and well-being rather than worry. Children in school or those with overbearing parents may be even more prone to fall into this state, due to the fact that they are not always allowed to speak up in their own defence. 5x dilution of flower extracts of White Chestnut in a grape alcohol solution Customers who bought this item also bought. NR 35 White Chestnut - PaardekastanjeOngewenste malende gedachten, piekeren . Dr. Bach empfahl White Chestnut den Menschen, die unter Konzentrationsstörungen und zwanghaftem Denken leiden und seelisch angespannt sind.. Für diese Bachblüten-Essenz werden die Blüten der Rosskastanie verwendet (Zubereitung Sonnenmethode). Fleur de Bach White chestnut : l’alliée anti-rumination mentale. De Bachbloesem White Chestnut of Paardekastanje helpt je slapen Veelal komen deze gedachten opzetten als het tijd is om te gaan slapen. Ciò succede di solito nei momenti in cui il loro interesse per il presente non è abbastanza forte da occupare del tutto la loro mente. Definizione di E. Bach del rimedio White Chestnut: "Per quelli che non riescono ad evitare che pensieri, idee, argomentazioni indesiderate si insinuino nella loro mente. Ingredients. Peut-être êtes-vous bien quelqu’un qui ne parvient pas à bannir ou à refouler ses pensées indésirables. Ein Lied, ein Spruch, ein Wort wiederholt sich ununterbrochen, ohne daß man etwas dagegen tun kann. While for some it becomes a chronic state, the temporary lapse into a negative White Chestnut state can occur after a particularly unpleasant exchange. the interest of the moment is not strong enough to keep the mind full. Kosméo Fleur de Bach white chestnut n° 35 - 6.3 g livré en 24/48h, paiement sécurisé sur Onatera. 102 9624 36. Next. El propio Bach decía que se presenta cuando el interés de la personalidad no está puesto con suficiente intensidad en la situación presente, como para absorber su mente por completo. 07451650. Don't let those repetitive thoughts cloud your mind and get in the way of your focus. After treatment, the mind once again becomes clear and balanced. Because the brain refuses to relax, they have trouble sleeping. Découvrons cette fleur de Marronnier d'Inde à fleurs blanches. This is not just an adult malady. Bach Flower Essence White Chestnut treats repetitive thinking. White Chestnut brings the gift of a calm, peaceful mind uncluttered by unnecessary thoughts. Op tv, in de krant of tijdschriften, maar zeker ook via de sociale media worden we gebombardeerd met informatie. The individual can connect with and hear the guidance from his Higher Self and use his powers of thought constructively. White Chestnut è il fiore di un albero, l’ippocastano bianco, che insieme agli altri 18 rimedi dell’ultima fase della sua scoperta, fu individuato da Bach nella primavera/estate del 1935. Ihre Kapselfrüchte, die Kas… Usually at such times when Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . Découvrons cette fleur, qui diffuse une grande lumière lorsque le châtaignier fleurit. Their faces will betray a great mental tension and they may unconsciously grind their teeth. U.K.. Tel: 01379 608059 Il dott. Many who suffer from this state experience chronic frontal headaches. The Bach Flower Essence White Chestnut is an effective way to treat individuals who suffer from uncontrollable thoughts. £6.50, An ideal remedy Registered in England & Wales No. Die ursprüngliche Heimat der Rosskastanie ist die Balkanhalbinsel. White Chestnut est la Fleur de Bach des ruminations mentales, des pensées incessantes qui viennent parasiter le calme intérieur. This may happen at home, at work or in a social organization meeting, when a person or his ideas have been attacked by adversaries - and especially if the attack has come from those he felt were allies. Sie kann eine Höhe von bis zu 30 Metern und ein Alter von bis zu 300 Jahren erreichen. Per sua natura White Chestnut è portato a focalizzarsi su un’unica attività.Possiamo dire che la Concentrazione è la sua risorsa innata. He or she is able to let go and get on with better thoughts. The situation may become resolved on the surface, but the inner turmoil and brain chatter remains. Developed by a Doctor more than 80 years ago, homeopathic products have helped millions of … The presence of such unpleasant thoughts drives out Para que serve o Floral de Bach White Chestnut? It helps put away all those ‘irrelevant talks n thoughts’ that have been hovering all over . Sweet Chestnut, Châtaignier en Français, est la fleur de Bach de la délivrance lorsque l'être humain ressent un immense désespoir et se retrouve sans issue. Read the complete article Zich steeds herhalende gedachten tollen rond in je hoofd en je kan ze niet loslaten of het piekeren stopzetten. Bachblüte Red Chestnut). torture. The essences were developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a physician and homeopath who believed that the key to good health was emotional harmony. The BACH®* remedy White Chestnut encourages the positive potential to find tranquility and peace of mind. "For those who cannot prevent thoughts, ideas, arguments which they IP23 7AG. Tijdens de nachtelijke uurtjes wordt het plaatje van de moeilijke gesprekken of negatieve gedachten telkens weer opnieuw afspeelt, wat het moeilijk – of zelfs onmogelijk – maakt om te slaap te vatten. White-Chestnut-Kraftformel: Ich fühle die Stille. pleasure of the day". Os Florais são naturais, perfeitos para quem busca tratamento natural para os desequilíbrios emocionais, psicológicos e espirituais. Reg. White Chestnut è il Fiore di Bach corrispondente a coloro ossessionati da pensieri ripetitivi e indesiderati che preoccupano la loro mente e interferiscono sul lavoro o sui piaceri del momento. Thoughts which worry and will remain, or if for a time thrown out, do not desire from entering their minds. White Chestnut - Aesculus Hippocastanum. Ich lenke mein Denken. It CLEARS AWAY that jumble of ‘wired ‘ ‘intertwined’ thoughts and helps bring about a clarity of mind. De problemen die mogelijk de onderliggende oorzaak vormen van de situatie, kunnen we dan weer rustig en rationeel te lijf. We pride ourselves in being the original bach flower remedies and we continue to produce the full 38 remedies essences using Dr Bach’s original methods, so always look out for the Bach signature. White Chestnut brings the gift of a calm, peaceful mind uncluttered by unnecessary thoughts. En français, cet arbre porte de très nombreux noms comme le faux châtaignier, le châtaignier de mer, le marronnier commun ou encore le marronnier d’Inde. They seem to circle round and round and cause mental Découvrez Fleur de Bach white chestnut n° 35 - 6.3 g de Kosméo à 10,50 €. Generalmente nei periodi in cui l’interesse del momento non ha forza sufficiente a mantenere la mente occupata. WHITE CHESTNUT here , in all of the above situations and such, is hands down the best Remedy to CLEAR, RELAX and CALM your MIND . White Chestnut. È davvero difficile pensare ad un soggetto White Chestnut tipologico poiché, come dice giustamente Bach, questo è uno stato in cui vi è un grande affollamento di pensieri nella testa che non abbandonano mai la persona e non risolvono mai, come invece accade in un ragionamento volto ad un fine. Bach Flower Remedies White Chestnut 20 mL 4.6 out of 5 stars 319. These thoughts, said Bach, ‘seem to circle round and round and cause mental torture’. White Chestnut – Form and Function. Keyword - Tranquillity of mind | Bach Group - Lack of Interest. The Bach Flower White Chestnut allows the mind to discriminate between thoughts that should be accepted and those that should be rejected, and thus releases the need to keep replaying thought impulses which are not in its best interests. After an exchange such as this, the sufferer may spend the rest of the day and night re-running the conversation over and over, and thinking about what he should have said in his own defence. Ze malen maar rond, als een band die steeds opnieuw opstart. The Bach Flower White Chestnut allows the mind to discriminate between thoughts that should be accepted and those that should be rejected, and thus releases the need to keep replaying thought impulses which are not in its best interests. Flores de Bach que se combinan frecuentemente con White Chestnut. VAT No. Para tratar ciertos trastornos emocionales se puede complementar White Chestnut con las siguientes flores de Bach: Aspen – se han obsesionado con la idea de que algo malo va a ocurrir, aunque no saben qué. Bach Original Flower Remedies White Chestnut is a natural flower remedy designed for those who cannot prevent thoughts, ideas, arguments which they do not desire from entering their minds. IP21 4XF. © Crystal Herbs Ltd 2001-2018 Crystal Herbs - Bach Flower Remedies and Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences, Insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances Group, Crystal Herbs - Bach Flower Remedies and Flower, Gem & Crystal Essences. Bach flower remedies are an alternative or complementary treatment that is used for emotional problems and pain.They’re made out of watered-down extracts from the flowers of wild plants. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. $29.77. White Chestnut brings tranquillity and clarity of thought. Als je White Chestnut nodig hebt dan kan je niet stoppen met piekeren. Docteur E They often experience recurring internal mental arguments and conversations, all states that effectively cut them off from the present moment and can sometimes make it difficult to sleep. Fa parte del gruppo dei rimedi per coloro che non sentono sufficiente interesse per il presente. 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